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Children Global Initiative and Jongole Kikwiyakare call for support to give underprivileged children

First Board of Trustees Gala Dinner ‘Pledge 2020’ in New York draws attention to children’s rights and the first meeting of the Board of Trustees and Advisory members to discuss the strategic frame work and policy and strategies. . New York, March 07,2020: Global Children Initiative, a 501c3 non-profit that works to ensure children their rights, hosted its annual Board of Trustees benefit dinner ‘Pledge 2020’ on march 07,2020, in New York.

The annual event witnessed high profile guests come together to support the cause of children.

Africa and the world has made tremendous economic strides in the last decade, but its children continue to battle deprivation of their rights. With their rights vastly ignored, millions of children are out of the safety net, forced into labor, malnourishment, abuse and illiteracy.

Speaking at Pledge 2020, Jongole kikwiyakare, President, Global Children Initiative said, “Only 45% of children complete their education in Africa due to obstacles such as child labor, child marriage, distance from schools and gender discrimination. Global Children Initiative works with grass-root Projects, communities and local authorities to ensure children have quality education, healthcare and are protected from causes which hinder their development.”

“Investments in children are essential to a child’s and the communities well-being. Ensuring children get their due enables them to reach their full potential and realize their dreams.

“Lack of education and healthcare holds back the development of children. Together, we have a powerful voice and the resources to help organizations like Global Children Initiative ensure that children have the right to live, learn, grow and play. Support Global Children Initiative and make a difference to a child’s life and your own!”

Pledge 2020 was attended by the Board of Trustees, Advisory members and high profile guests from various states who came together to support Global Children Initiative first pledge meeting work to benefit children.

Advisory Board member Chair Susan Bartasha said, “All of us are here because Global Children Initiative is important to us and we want to make a difference to children’s lives. Many of us have grown up in Africa and under developed countries, I will never forget Moses’s Global Children Initiative[ Founder] passion for ensuring that underprivileged children get their due share of rights. Thank you joining me this evening and making Pledge 2020 for child rights a great success.”

The evening raised $11,000, which will be directed towards helping the victims of nodding disease in the war torn region of northern Uganda

Global Children Initiative requesting people to take responsibility for the situation of underprivileged children.“ Global Children Initiative believes that ‘YOU’ have the power to change children’s futures and give wings to their dreams. Your support will allow us to ensure that thousands of children are able to go to sleep educated, healthy and protected. Your solidarity is needed today, more than ever."

She appealed for people to join Global Children Initiative as donors, volunteers and supporters.


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