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School to School Partnership

School Building Project In Africa For $15,000

School-to-School Partnership is a program which will create direct, one-to-one relationships between schools in America and schools in the developing world, beginning in Uganda, East Africa. These program, will strongly support the expansion of school-to-school access through global networks to share knowledge and resources for learning within a cross-cultural setting.


The purpose of this Program is to introduce schools to one another via the Internet and nurture curiosity and appreciation between students and teachers living in very different cultures. Students and teachers participating in the program will gain cross-cultural awareness about the personal lives and learning conditions of their counterparts, while enhancing their academic curriculum.

The Program Mission:

“Linking schools globally for cross-cultural learning through project collaboration between students and teachers to prepare students for the international marketplace.”

The Program Goals

Facilitate collaborative environmental science learning projects engaging both students and teachers

Create a school-to-school US-Africa model which can be replicated to other regions of the world

This program will provide guidelines and coaching to American and African teachers and students to facilitate their discovery of the many ways to engage and exchange learning resources available at each other’s schools. This exchange will enrich environmental science curriculum they share, while developing closer relationships with each other as valuable partners in international awareness and learning.

The Program Objectives

Increase the number of teachers and students involved and engaged

Increase the number of global projects initiated and completed between partner schools


  • Identify interested schools in the US and Africa

  • Establish Africa program school Information Communication Technologies for Development Centers

  • Develop program website portals to connect schools via the Internet

  • Facilitate exchanges and establish teacher-to-teacher contacts

  • Develop support and mutual education projects with teachers and students collaborating on project design and implementation

  • Train teachers and mentor student leaders on how to initiate and carry out successful learning project exchanges, for example, focus on science projects incorporating environmental educational themes of climate change, energy and natural resource issues in terrestrial and marine settings

Africa Program Outcomes

Student and teacher participants will:
  • Expand opportunities for cross-cultural and academic exchanges in the environmental sciences
  • Discover and appreciate one another’s cultures
  • Serve as learning partners and resources
  • Create an understanding of global connectedness


  • It will create a global classroom, one school at a time.

  • It provides a better education for every child in the world.

  • It provides cross-cultural interactions will nurture a better understanding between peoples of the world.

  • It provides strong partnerships with local organizations, as we trust local people to develop the best answers to local problems.

  • It enables the beneficiaries to get involved in all aspects of program development for a long-lasting impact to their lives.

  • When we focus our efforts on improving youth education and communication, global challenges will be better understood, and more solutions will be creatively explored.

  • The rigorous evaluation and assessment are necessary for programs to have the impact intended, and adaptive management of programs may also be necessary for successful outcomes.

  • We believe in keeping young girls in school.

Gender Equality

“We believe that while educating a boy will change a life, educating a girl will change an entire nation.” Jongole Kikwiyakare, President/CEO Children Global Initiative CGI

Become a Sponsoring Partner!

a. Financial Donation
b. Donation of your time (e.g., help facilitate school-to-school connections, setup hardware).
c. Hardware (e.g., desktops, laptops, tablets, satellites, etc.).

Teacher Interest

Attention US-based Teachers:

If you are interested in getting involved in the Africa Link program, — if you’d like to see your students working collaboratively with students in a school in Africa — please complete the contact form, and we’ll get in touch with you soon or email 

Attention Africa-based Teachers:

If you are interested in getting involved in the Africa Link program— if you’d like to see your students working collaboratively with students in a school in the USA — please complete the contact form, and we’ll get in touch with you soon or email 


We are looking to initiate a few teacher-to-teacher, classroom-to-classroom connections 

We look forward to collaborating with you!

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