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Our Model.

Ensuring child rights is the most sustainable solution to the myriad social, economic and political issues confronting India. Sustainable change at the level of the community is only possible when communities themselves develop and implement solutions, cooperatively.


Non-profits when linked to each other and in coalition with businesses, governments and media, can create a critical mass that achieves immense synergies and scale, and the strength to influence policy that benefits vulnerable children.


Very simply, we act as the link between (a) people like you who want to help underprivileged children and (b) the child in need, wherever she might be, around the world. We do this by channelizing the concern, goodwill, time, money and skills of thousands of individuals, like you, towards child development projects run by committed grassroots projects.


Children Global Initiative that the "child rights approach" is the most effective way to ensure sustainable change. This is possible when children, their parents and their communities come together and are empowered about their rights and engage with their local government bodies to address issues.

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